Classes and activities in Endeavour Hills

At the Endeavour Hills Neighbourhood Centre, we take pride in offering a diverse range of classes and activities to cater to the interests and needs of our vibrant community. From art and cooking to fitness and technology, our extensive selection ensures that there is something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn a new skill or an experienced individual seeking to expand your horizons, our classes and activities provide the perfect platform for personal growth and enrichment. Join our inclusive and welcoming community, where lifelong learning and creativity are celebrated. Explore our offerings and embark on a journey of discovery at the Endeavour Hills Neighbourhood Centre.

Choose a class or activity to view the details and register online

Photography for Beginners

Join our beginners photography class and get to know your camera like a pro! Learn how to navigate the functions, controls and shoot in different modes. Bring your camera and manual!

Mindful Art

Discover the power of being present in the moment through our mindful art class. Experience the joy of creating without judgment or concern for the outcome. Embrace freedom and self-expression. Join us today!

Positive Thinking and Meditation

Join our positive thinking class and learn open-eyed meditation techniques to overcome stress and worry, while maintaining a positive and loving mindset. Casey U3A membership required.

Seed library

Discover Food From Home's Seed Library! Join the local community gardeners and access our extensive seed bank. Swap and share seeds to support sustainable gardening. All seeds are non-GM. Visit us today!

Senior Circuit–Fitness Group

Join our seniors exercise class for a safe and supportive environment to enhance your overall fitness, strength, and mobility. Improve muscle groups, cardiovascular health, balance, and flexibility.

Tai Chi

Experience the power of Tai Chi. Enhance your mind-body connection with slow and gentle movements. Boost strength, flexibility, coordination, relaxation, and cognitive function in our Tai Chi class.


Join our inclusive Yoga class for a transformational experience. Discover the art of Yoga, embrace relaxation, and explore the power of meditation for inner peace and wellness.


Feel the exhilarating energy of a Zumba class. Experience the blend of infectious Latin rhythms and simple, engaging moves that make this fitness program a joyous and effortless way to get fit.

Gentle Core Strength Workout

Join our gentle workout class and experience the benefits of low-impact exercises. Strengthen, tone, and improve flexibility with Pilates-based exercises suitable for all ages and abilities. Feel great with every workout!

What our community are saying about Endeavour Hills Neighbourhood Centre